A voice for the unborn

“If the unborn is not a human being, no justification for abortion is necessary. However, if the unborn is a human being, no justification for abortion is adequate.” – Greg Koukl


Approximately 60 million legal abortions have occurred in the United States since 1973.  Though the abortion rate has decreased nationally in the recent years, here in New York City, it is approximately 37% which is more than twice the national average.  Our immediate community of Canarsie has an even higher rate of abortion.   


To find out how you can be a part of advocating for the lives of unborn children with our Church @ the Rock team of life advocates, and supporting mothers in need, please visit the Information Table after one of our services, use our online contact form here or call the Church Office at (718) 241-0222.


Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction…  James 1:27a




Resources on Abortion Information


Motivated by our Christian calling to establish justice, to expose evil injustices, to minister to the needy and helpless, and to extend love to every human person, Abort73.com aims to expose the practice of abortion as an injustice of historic proportions.


New Beginnings Center of Hope

A resource center for those facing an unplanned pregnancy, New Beginnings is staffed with healthcare professionals and offers free services such as ultrasounds and pregnancy tests, as well as post-birth resources to provide women and girls support before, during and after pregnancy and childbirth.


“33 minutes that will rock your world!”

“An award-winning documentary!”



CCBR focuses on making the killing of unborn human beings unthinkable…. There are many injustices directed towards born people as well, but CCBR’s limited focus can be compared to that of organizations which combat cancer to the exclusion of other diseases: in order to find a cure, these organizations devote all of their resources and refine their expertise on cancer even though there are other life-threatening diseases such as AIDS.”


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